Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8 - Glacier National Park

We arrived here at West Glacier, MT KOA yesterday.  Today, we explored or... rather, covered... the park.  There's really only one road to take on the U.S. side, which is Going-to-the-Sun Road.  Once you've crossed that, you have two options.  One is to turn around and go back the way you came.  Two is to go around the perimeter of the park, which is about an 80-90 mile drive. 

Since there was road construction in Glacier also, Paul said he wasn't driving back through it so we went the perimeter route.  It has its own beauty.  I'm actually glad we did it.

Most of today was overcast with storm clouds in the distance.  Sprinkles and sun this afternoon.

Highlight of the day (for Paul):  a black bear that ran across the road (we saw him up close & personal, but my picture wasn't good).

Don't know what we'll do tomorrow... boat ride?  zip-line?  hike? Many possibilities.

Monkey Is Ready for Glacier

Rapids at Lake McDonald

Lake McDonald

Kind of like Switzerland

Wild flowers by road

Can't remember .... beautiful tho!

St. Mary Lake

Along the park perimeter road

Goat Lick - Mountain Goats eat the gray rock for salt

*Sigh* what a beautifully texutred tree stump at Goat Lick

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