What a difference a week makes. From the Las Vegas Strip to the loud silence of the Grand Canyon. It wasn't as busy as other parks, but it's the beginning of the off-season too. It really was grand! You've seen hundreds of pictures and maybe taken some of your own. These are my favorites from our visit.
Monkey does Grand Canyon
Tree points out a raptor
Hello, Sky!
The true point here is two raptors... condors or ravens?
Wouldn't it be wownderful to soar the GC like this?
This is my favorite GC photo.
A Swedish couple and we traded taking photos of each other. He hunted down Paul to get him in the pic. |
A happy juniper.
When we left the Grand Canyon, we drove through Flagstaff to Monument Valley, UT. I didn't think I'd left anything in UT, but as it turned out, I loved this part of the southwest. On a tip from friends, we stayed at Goulding's. The place itself has a history from the 1920's. It became the site for a number of John Wayne's westerns. It's also in the heart of the Navajo Nation. Now, if we could only get rid of all the red dust!
Hello, Utah.
This is a view of the Valley of the Gods from Muley Point. (To think I wanted to turn back!)
From the whole Monument Valley visit, this is my favorite photo. If you click to enlarge, you can see his feet or stingers, depending on whatever insect he is.
This is also from Muley Point. It's like a mini Grand Canyon. The road you see is the one we drove.
Kissing rocks.
Straight from a John Wayne movie.
Rock -- how?
Arched rock near campground.
We're by Mesa Verde National Park now, home of the Anasaszi. After this on to Denver. Until next week...
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics. Yes the SW is lovely!