Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 14 - The Music School

Thurs., May 16, 2013

Initially, Grand Circle Foundation found it hard to find a school in Russia that wanted to accept its support.  According to our guide, Russians don't understand the concept of "charity."  However, Grand Circle didn't give up so easily in its quest to share its generosity in the St. Petersburg area and started calling local schools, simply going down the list in the proverbial phone book.

Eventually, the company found a local music school that serves as a boarding school for children from what we'd call first grade through high school.  Exactly how they are chosen is not clear, but all must show an aptitude for music.

A portion of the funds for Grand Circle tours to Russia go to support this school.  Today, the children put on a two hour performance for all tour participants.  Like kids everywhere, they may have to be coaxed into starting, but once doing it, they really enjoy showing off!

The orchestra
Russian folk music

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