Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 16 Tallinn, Estonia

Sat., May 18, 2013
Located in the Baltic region of northern Europe, Tallinn is the capital of Estonia and its largest city.  Estonia has a 10,000 year, complicated history with Scandinavian and Germanic roots.  Its official languages are Estonian and Finnish.  It has a stable, thriving economy and is part of the European Union with euros as its currency.
Soviet Russia occupied Estonia from WW II to 1991.  On the way to Tallinn, our Program Director showed a movie about Estonia's success in gaining its independence 1989-91 through the "Singing Revolution."  Today, one must pass a rigorous naturalization test to become an Estonian citizen, which includes speaking the language. 
In addition to an overview, we explored Old Town, which is encircled by city walls, remaining much as when built in the 1200's by Danes.
Birthplace of the Singing Revolution 
Paul with Composer Gustav Ernesaks at the Song Festival Grounds 

St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church
Toompea Fortress with Estonian flag

Vintage weather vane
 Lunch at a medieval restaurant where there is no lighting inside but great (expensive) food
 Relaxing at the Hotel Euroopa

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